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Is my ocellaris ready to spawn? or does it just hate me?

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So lately my female ocellaris has developed a renowned aggression towards my hand (she shows no agression towards any other inhabitant of the tank and even ignores the yellow tail damsel that tries to pick a fight with her.) Not only will she swim clear across my 75 gallon as fast as she can to attack me she now will even jump out of the water at my hand during feeding, maintenance, cleaning before I have even stuck my hand in the tank!
The male used to attack me but never to this extent, now it is mostly the female with the occasional male lending a hand. The female was so ravenous that a few days ago she actually jumped out of the tank and landed on the tempting as it was I decided to put her back in, and that incident resulted in her leaving me alone for a couple of days and avoiding the top of the tank. Needless to say she has regained her resolve and I strongly believe she is attempting to slit my wrist and watch me bleed out.
If anyone has experienced this behavior and was able to curb it or know why she is doing this to me please let me know. My hand and I are eager to gain an understanding on the situation while I in the meantime plan on finding some reef gloves.

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  1. melev's Avatar
    I know one person told me they thumped their clown on the nose and it never did it again. It's a tough one to accomplish.
  2. Jessy's Avatar
    I don't like clowns for this very reason. Mine always tried to tear me up too. And I know of at least 3 others with the same stories. I hit mine on a regular basis and it never stopped...or pressed charges for animal abuse. I'm just sayin...thump away.
  3. kileysmama's Avatar
    I had a pair that would draw blood. I'd stick my hand in tha tank to recue a frag. 20 seconds total. I'd come out with 30+ clownfish mouth marks, each one bloody. They learned to grab & twist. Ouch. Granted, the pair did spawn towards the end of when I had them. I was ready to re-home them by the time it happened.
  4. melev's Avatar
    Welcome back, lady! Where've you been?
  5. bleachandvomit's Avatar
    My Maroon pair is of course a pain, but I embrace their vigor.

    I have a story to share about my Ocellaris pair. I cut my finger while washing the dishes one day and had to get stitches. A week or two later I forgot they were there as it was mostly healed, however, I dipped my hands in to move some rocks around and scrape some algae and my clowfish ravenously bit my stitches and was yanking on them. I have never seen anything like it, 10x worse than a feeding frenzy. I put my other hand in the tank and it was ignored, put the stitched hand above the water and the clownfish saw it through the waterline and followed it around the inside perimeter. Crazy stuff, cant begin to describe it.
  6. kileysmama's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    Welcome back, lady! Where've you been?
    Around.... lol.

    Life is nuts, I'm sure you understand. Kids, work, life... I'm here, though!
  7. Heathd's Avatar
    Had the same problem with a pair of false percs. I just laughed about it, the way I see it, Im putting my hand where it doesnt belong so they can come at me if they want.

    My tomato clowns pay no attention to me, so long as I leave their fuzzy green mushrooms alone.
  8. cyano's Avatar
    thanks for all the sharing all of your experiences with me guys, I love my clowns and my female was the second fish I ever got but I swear I almost want to find it a new home with it doing this. For all it's worth though if they are happy and are not harming anything but me I can't complain too much....given that it is in a captive environment I can't say I would be very cooperative in its position . Probably wouldn't be so bad if they weren't so smart and brave at the same time! oh and melev I can say I have attempted to thump it on the nose to avail...also tried a little more but i digress....