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GHA Fight Update & Pics (including FTS)

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Finally took some pics with the whites on as well. I'm going with less light during the day while I fight off the GHA (which I'm beating, it's in retreat), so my whites are only on for 4 hours. That means they're off by 5pm, so they're usually off by my free time after supper in the evenings.

I'm beating GHA the old fashion way. Shortened/reduced photo period (meaning the photo-period is shorter, and I'm using less lights during that shorter period), and reduced feeding. Good chaeto maintenance; turning it daily, trimming it weekly and breaking it up to multiply ends... chaeto grows from each end, so more ends... more potential growth. My corals all look great... SPS is still even growing and encrusting over their plugs during the reduced lighting... so I'm in no hurry to raise it up until the algae is beat.

Got everything that I picked up from my reef buddy placed in the tank. Everything is looking great. Only a few more things will go into the tank period. One is a purple monti-cap and another zoa of some kind but I'm going to wait until the SPS in that area grows so it has a head start... may just end up putting my candy apple reds up there though. :-) It's in the middle of those SPS in the upper right.

On with the eye candy...

Full Tank Shot

The new Hammer

I *LOVE* the growth pattern on this montipora digitata. I can only hope my orange one does this as well... (it took a little help from me, breaking a few pieces off and re attaching them around the main piece).

Zoas! Whoo hoo! These actually look better in real life to me... dunno why... they look right in the pic... but who knows?

Pajama Cardinal

Orange Zoas

A rare pic of my green goby. I love this fish. He and my lawnmower blenny are battling for the Matt's Favorite Fish title.

Good shot of the war coral. It has grown down it's skeleton, over the frag plug, and has nearly covered up the epoxy and started growing on the rock.

Moved my Duncan a half inch over and tipped it a touch down so the babies along the bottom are now along the side. :-)

Goblin Fire Zoas - They're about as orange as you can get!

Lord of the Rings Zoas - Beast name... just sayin'

Lord of the Rings... BLUE! ;-)

Goblin Fire under Blues

The new location on my hammer completely changed the side view of my tank from eh... to Ohhhhhhhhh........

Green Monti w/ Purple Growth... nice ridges and growth pattern. I likey.

Don't tell my wife.... but he's the boss.

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Updated 06-28-2011 at 01:54 PM by matt_longview

Tank Entry , ‎ Photography/Video


  1. Hat39406's Avatar
    Beautiful Matt! I love the color in the tank. I really like the War Coral, growing nicely.
  2. Heathd's Avatar
    Great looking tank, it looks like everything is growing nicely. I love the lawnmower, they have great personalities, and it seems like mine is always around for a photo session.