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Water testing day

Rating: 2 votes, 4.50 average.
Today was catch up on everything that needed doing. Had to get a sump built, fix my darn sprinklers, get a frag into an Interceptor bath, clean the skimmer and do all my water tests. The tank is doing very well, numbers-wise:

I tested Magnesium with my Salifert kit, but also did a test with a borrowed Red Sea Reef Foundation kit that Wes lent me. It still reads way too high (1600ppm), even with his kit. I'm going to return his kit at our club meeting this Wednesday, and bring him a water sample to test it before my eyes. Maybe he's got the midas touch.

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Water Chemistry


  1. Brad Syphus's Avatar
    Is there a downfall to having your mag that high? I kept mine up there for a few months to get rid of bryopsis and everything did great except the bryopsis.
  2. melev's Avatar
    I know that montipora like higher magnesium, and I usually shoot for 1400 ppm. I don't dose it, and haven't dosed once since I set up this tank. It's already high in the Sybon Salt, and then my calcium reactor media has some magnesium within it as well.
  3. Sisterlimonpot's Avatar
    Marc, are you still dosing vodka? or some other product making your system a ULNS?
  4. melev's Avatar
    No, all my system has is:

    Biopellets (Vertex)
    Calcium reactor