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glue slinger

new beginner

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Glue slinger here,and i'm new to the saltwater hobby. I have a 29 gal cube tank. It has done very well so far and many thanks to my lfs and Justin, the owner. Also this website and links.The info is limitless it seems. My tank has a small collection of creatures and soft corals. Fish include a manderin,basslet and dwarf angel . Corals consist of two leathers,hammer,frogspawn,ricordia,red blasto and pink xenia. Two clams, Indian ocean feather duster,emerald crab,butler urchin,2 turbo snails and 4 hermit crabs round out the clean up crew. I have only lost one dottyback that i think was stung (very curious fish).Any how I'm always searching for info and reading on others experiences and I enjoy the tank quite a bit. I would like to one day have a larger tank as there are so many ways to set them up(creating the rocky landscape was awesome!) There are truly alot of creative, intense enthusists and I enjoy their passion and the time they take to share with all of us. Thanks...

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  1. matt_longview's Avatar
    Welcome to the hobby. We would love to see some pics of your setup!

    Keep an eye on the mandarin as they are suggested for 90g tanks and up. I tried one that was trained to eat frozen but I still couldn't keep it fat and happy. I relocated her to a larger tank recently.
  2. glue slinger's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by matt_longview
    Welcome to the hobby. We would love to see some pics of your setup!

    Keep an eye on the mandarin as they are suggested for 90g tanks and up. I tried one that was trained to eat frozen but I still couldn't keep it fat and happy. I relocated her to a larger tank recently.
    hey matt, sorry, I just caught your post! the mandarin was tank raised and will eat most any thing i feed it. it like pellets, veg tabs,and the gel foods. once a week i target feed my fish thawed bloodworm and mysis shrimp and it takes it right off the end of my thongs!!! it is always skimming around and picking things off the bottom and's a very sweet creature and is peaceful to watch...thanks for your reply,glueslinger