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Looking for Recommendations on Seeding Display Aquarium with Copepods and Amphipods.

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Well as the title says I am looking for recommendations on what product to use to seed my display aquarium with Copepods, Amphipods or both. I had an aquarium a long time ago where the live rock I ordered allowed thousands of these little guys to reproduce and my fish and hermit crabs couldn't be happier. I would like to achieve the same since I have no sump or refugium in my display before I start heavily stocking with fish. Any thoughts?

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  1. melev's Avatar
    They come in with your live rock, any new coral fragments, and live sand. You can purchase Tigger Pods from Reef Nutrition, but I don't know who sells Amphipods.

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  2. DJ in WV's Avatar
    I got mine from It came with serpent stars copods isopods and antropods. I was happy with their bag o bugs and would order again if need be. At 4 months I have tons now
  3. matt_longview's Avatar
    Trade cheato and cups of sand with others in your area. I think that's the best method. Be careful with the sand though, lots more than pods will transfer. :-)
  4. SlappyNC1's Avatar cultures two strains - tisbe sp. and tigriopus pods. The Tisbe sp. are the smaller warm water pods which are very common in most tanks and the tigriopus pods are the larger cold water pods, same thing as "Tigger Pods" marketed by Reef Nutrition, I'm told. cultures them in a zooplankton which contains rotifers. Joe developed a concept he calls "Reef Science Plankton" (read more here: They ship nationally and his customers seem happy. Some of the reef club members here in Charlotte I've talked to have been happy with him too. That said, I haven't ordered from him yet. I've ordered mine from in Florida and, frankly, I've been terribly disappointed with the numbers being nowhere close to what's advertised. If you're looking to boost your microfauna, Joe might be your solution. Their prices have been about half of what I've seen from other retailers with the same or better product/numbers.

    Let me know if I can help you.