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Day 183: Picture update

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Here's the promised update. My tank is now 6 months and 3 days old.

Sump area with gear.

These pictures are from the backside of the tank, from within the fishroom.

I've had this coral about 6 years, obtained just before Extreme Corals opened for business.

Neon green candy cane, received from a club member a couple of months ago.

The cyphastrea is encrusting onto the rockwork behind, which you can almost make out if you look closely.

The gorgonians are doing well.

This is the side of the power station that the frag tank sits on top of.

Frag tank with suncorals.

Pictures from the front

One of the Bartlett Anthias has pop-eye. It just have scratched itself against some rockwork.

A. caroliniana

Crown Royal and a new blue tort fraglet. It's a furry version currently.

One of the tigertail cucumbers that help keep the sand clean. Those little pellets of sand are the cucumber's "waste" but is actually all clean now that is has been processed through its body. They break apart easily.

Platygyra, I'm guessing. I got this coral from Drew, our club president. It is beginning to have hints of purple.

A. loripes

Spock yawned & stretched for the lens.

This light was off already; it looks better without the 10,000K light on anyway.

A view from the end. 84" from the glass to the black panel.

Due to the higher temperatures the Aquacontroller 3 was displaying, I added this 5" Icecap fan to cool the tank down.

July's temperatures over a week.

August's temperatures with the fan added. Still trying to get the timer set properly to shut off the fan, so the temperature doesn't drop too low at night. It's been a little temperamental. The fan definitely made the difference, and it was a simple silent solution. Cheap too.

New addition: A tiny yellow Coris Wrasse purchased at Fish2morow. I got it along with two emerald crabs and two large nassarius snails. This little guy needs to be in QT to make sure he's healthy.

  • The Red Planet Acropora sp. has finally started to put out polyps. It's been shut down for months. It seems to be encrusting too.
  • One of the Dart pumps is rattling, which is strange since the pump is 6 months old. The sound seems to be coming from the cooling fan section near the end of the pump.
  • 250g of saltwater is mixed up and at the ready.
That's it for now.

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  1. Midnight's Avatar
    Hey Marc, could I see your pH graph? I would like to see how my pH swing compares to yours as our temps are very similar. The tank looks just as great as always. My wife is finally going back to work after having two kids, so I am hoping this means more fundage for my system.
  2. Hat39406's Avatar
    Your tank is incredible Marc!! Looking in your tank from the living room. Did you add more rock on the left side? Looks like it comes out now on the left side. I love it! Spock is one beautiful fish.
  3. jlemoine2's Avatar
    Excellent pictures, Marc. Thanks for sharing so many. You mentioned before how you work on keeping everything clean of crud and salt creep, even in the sump and little nooks & crannies. This is very noticable in your photos and clearly makes a difference on the presentation of the system. Now I'm starting to notice the salt creep and general untidiness of my own sump and trim under the canopy. The crap under the covers didn't bother me before, but now it does. I've been inspired to start cleaning a little each day.

    I noticed your battery backups for the Vortech's on the floor. Do you have plans to mount those anywhere?

    Do you have any problems with fish jumping out?

  4. agsansoo's Avatar
    Wow tank looks great for only 6 months. Corals look very healthy too.
  5. melev's Avatar
    Here's the requested pH measurements for the past week.

    I've not added any more rock in months, Henry.

    One Battery Backup is mounted, James. The other is just sitting there, unused and uncharged. I need to either get it plugged in and in use, or buy a fresh battery. Which reminds me, I didn't mention that the MP60's firmware has to be updated to the latest version. Currently when the power goes out, the Vortechs switch to battery backup mode and keep running, but when power resumes, they stay on battery. I have to unplug the battery backup cables so they reset to electric power. The firmware update corrects this, but I've not done so yet.
  6. DJ in WV's Avatar
    My reeflo has been giving me trouble was well at 4 months had to replace the seal already as it was leaking and pulling air somehow with the with the output more than half open. Reeflo sent me a new seal it fix the leak but is still pulling air somehow, notice in the seal replacement that the impeller seem to be separating where it is put together not sure if that is the problem or not, just know that im not very happy with reeflo's pump so far. My next pump will be a dolphin with a type 4 seal for sure. Tank is looking good marc not a surprise with how tight you are able to keep your parm's tho
  7. gist41980's Avatar
    I like looking at pictures of your tank. I also like to show my wife pictures of your tank and say my next tank won't be that big, it will only be 300 gallons. My wife likes to ignore me
  8. melev's Avatar
    The strange thing about the rattling Dart pump is that the seal is perfect and the front end is quiet. The drive shaft is clean as a whistle. It's like the fan end is loose or the bearings are going out. I have to unscrew the end cover to see what I can find out, possibly oiling it. The second Dart is completely quiet, yet it has some ugly accumulations around the driveshaft that I have to clean out soon.

    Nathan -
  9. NightShade's Avatar
    You might try putting the fan/fans on a timer along with the lighting, Say have two fans and when the first and last metal halide lamps come on a fan kicks on as well. Will help to prevent the temp drops at night but keep the tank a bit cooler in the day.
  10. melev's Avatar
    I am using a fan as indicated above. It got too cool a couple of nights because the timer didn't turn the fan back off as expected and I didn't notice until late into the night or the very next day.