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Just got home with a....

Rating: 2 votes, 5.00 average.
... iPad2 3G!!

I've been wanting one for a while and tonight I picked up a brand new one. Gotta love Walmart at 2am. It'll be nice to see stuff on a bigger screen than my iPhone 4 when I'm out and about. It'll be handy at MACNA for sure. It'll be handy when I'm at club BOD meetings. It'll be handy when I travel. It'll be handy when I give a presentation to other clubs. It'll be handy to show images of my reef. It'll be handy to keep up with email. It'll be handy when I surf the web. It'll be handy to look up stuff when watching TV. It'll be handy when I want to post something up on Reef Addicts!!

Currently it is syncing up to my iMac, downloading music. Once that is done, I can start playing with it.

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Tags: ipad2
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  1. Midnight's Avatar
    Sounds like you really had to qualify buying that thing!
  2. melev's Avatar
    I've debated it heavily for months on end. Tonight was the night.
  3. Midnight's Avatar
    Yeah I have thought about getting one, but it would not be a 3g one. My phone bill is high enough with my wife and I both having smart phones. Though I have a feeling that I am going to the dark side in October and buying an Iphone to replace my Droid. I love the Idea of the droid, but it is still not the hardware or the packaging that the newer Iphone is. The thing I think I will miss the most is being directly linked to my Google account. Unless you are capable of syncing to a gmail and calendar account on the Iphone?
  4. melev's Avatar
    Yes, those sync because they are listed. I'm sure others can chime in with more detail.
  5. edandsandy's Avatar
    Your going to love your iPad.... I do!
  6. Hat39406's Avatar
    Cool Marc! You use Mac, so will it sync with the program you use for presentations?
  7. Retromkt's Avatar
    Hi Marc will you be able to control your Aquarium equipment from the iPad? Would be great
  8. OneReef's Avatar
    Congrats. Welcome to the Ipad family. Now you just have to figure out the process of using it for presentations..... lol
  9. snorkeler's Avatar
    Congrats for the purchase. On the subject of smartphones, it would be good if the site's main page had a less cluttered CSS for mobile accesses (for phones, not tablets). Ever thought about that Marc?

    Midnight, resist the pull of the dark side, LOL... try a Samsung Nexus S or a Motorola Atrix or even better: a Motorola Defy which can even fall into the tank and survive, talk about dependable hardware! You can tell I'm an Android fan (Droid 2 and Xoom user).
  10. melev's Avatar
    I can't remember the info needed to get Aquanotes on the iPad to talk to the AC 3. I have the same app on my iphone fortunately. It's like setting up the iPhone all over again, installing email accounts, and other apps I like. I already imported some giant number of contacts, like 2500. Fortunately, I use Funambol. I told it to back up my iphone contacts and then ran Funambol on the iPad and all of them were inserted in about 2 minutes.
  11. Togor's Avatar
    I will try to get one, but firstable I will order my Iphone. My Imac is sad because it has nothing to sync with ;-)