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Water testing time

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Double checking parameters is always best, rather than waiting for corals to indicate something is amiss. The numbers look good overall.

I'm only running one liter of Biospheres (np biopellets) and there's a chance nitrate is rising. I felt like it was a little off from the pure yellow I normally see, but I'll keep testing it weekly to be sure.

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Water Chemistry


  1. chuck's Avatar
    Do you know of an app that helps you remember and track tank maintenance? The only one I know of is from Current USA called the Nano Planner

    can see where something like this would be really useful in maintaining and tracking your tank parameters.

    I also found this one:
    Updated 10-08-2011 at 03:08 PM by chuck
  2. baker.shawn's Avatar
    whenever you post your parameters i realize how long its been since ive tested then i feel guilty and go do it
  3. melev's Avatar
    There's another app out there for the iPhone, but I don't remember the name off hand. It's something like Tank Trakrr or some other clever variation. Just ask again or do a search for "reef" in the apps section of iTunes.

    Shawn - you should be testing stuff frequently, to keep things stable. When I do the full gamut of tests, that's when I update the spreadsheet and post it here and on melevsreef.