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Mary Jane’s progress & tank update

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I got Mary Jane my potters angle just about 2 weeks ago I would like to happily proclaim; she appears not to be a coral nipper, she is more if an indiscriminate picker, spending her time picking across the rocks and glass she will occasionally stumble across a piece but nothing that I would say with intent and detrimental. However, today I did notice some aggression to my firefish who likes to hover right in front of the glass stealing all the attention

Since getting Mary Jane I have increased feedings with pellets in the morning and night , and frozen brine in the afternoon. Pellets are eaten by my firefish, Mary Jane will have a couple, but the rainford and Mary Jane rely on the brine for the majority of their diet, I plan to switch to Mysis soon

As for my tank itself, everything is the same, I mounted some frags today and begun placing some of my sps frags in the rock work, however nothing is really permanent.

The other day I picked up my free RODI reservoir, and received my BRS order but more will come on that soon.

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