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Up to my elbows in it...

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Today as soon as my migraine subsided, I decided to get my arms wet and do some work in the reef. It was cold and rainy outside, so why not play in the 80 degree water.

I removed some stuff that needed to be gone, like empty shells, some dead skeletons, etc and tried cleaning up some corals. I added some frags into the reef that have been in the frag tank for the past month or longer, and puttied / glued down frags that were broken recently by my active fish. A few items were moved off the sand onto the rockwork.

I'm not really happy with my tank lately as I don't see clean rockwork. Instead of purple coralline, I see this red stuff on the rockwork that reminds me of turf algae, although it isn't something you can remove. It bugs me, and I don't have enough snails to gnaw it away. The anemones add motion to the tank, but they also sting SPS that have been growing slowly over time. Not really wanting to get rid of them, the thought still crosses my mind to remove them anyway. It's a tough choice.

I'll take some pictures tomorrow as the water was affected by the glue, putty, and all my adjustments.

Let me know if you know of a good deal on an Apex, I think I'm finally going to have to pull the trigger and upgrade my controller.

On a lighter note, one of my yellow tangs is swimming around with glue on his mouth. Guess he was a little too curious. It'll take a few days to drop off.

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  1. Jnarowe's Avatar
    Ah, the infamous HUFFER tang!
  2. Hat39406's Avatar
    Marc, maybe you can keep one Anemone in ya tank and remove the rest of them. Also, do you superglue frags in the tank? Or do you take the rock out?
  3. melev's Avatar
    I was using the new Cg glue from Ecotech Marine, as well as some D&D two-part putty. Between the two products, almost anything can get affixed where desired.
  4. blennyman's Avatar
    Having a "rock island" is a good option for those pesky nems. They reach fairly far with their tentacles, but they haven't strayed from my little prison.
  5. Reefski's Avatar
    that red turf algae sounds like what all of my rocks are covered with. there is still a little coraline in the darker parts of the rockwork. the urchins don't like it. the tangs all eat it. even the Pink Tail Trigger eats it sometimes.

    i love the anemones but also wonder about the chemical warfare. i have four big rose anemones and some corals that are still growing in my newly set up 120 gallon.
