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As promised...

This coral is one of the SPS from my last reef. A single tiny twiglet turned into this guy.

The Tyree A. valida was mere polyps, and I mean a couple of dots in a dead colony. I waited and about 10 months later I was able to cut out these living parts and build-yer-own mini colony.

Another bit of SPS from the last tank. It was a puddle, but man is it turning into something nice.

This blue tort was beige/tan a month ago. After blowing off the AEFW regularly, it has regained some color.

Here's the $80 starfish still in the refugium.

The black branching suncoral is doing great, but hates light. As soon as I hit it with a flashlight it closed up fast! I'll have to get some video of this guy for you to appreciate it when it is fully open.

This A. efflo was purchased earlier this year, and is a very slow grower.

The tiny Onyx seems to enjoy those BTAs.

I installed the Portal magnifier on my tank last night while taking pictures.

Here's the view from the end of the tank.

Here's the view from the back of the tank.

This colony is doing very well.

Here's a little bonsai that is growing in well. I pulled it off the rock and moved it slightly because I needed to change the rockwork recently.

One of the Maxima clams, way away from his buddies.

Some of the fish.

One of three Fridmani basslets.

Here's a full tank shot as of yesterday.

Left end...

Middle of the reef...

Right end...

This little acro looks great from above.

This one is called the Incredible Hulk.

These branches were recently broken off the colony, making the colony look like a frag all over again. I puttied and glued these to a rock near the bommie to grow out.

This is one of three pieces from the original Orange Blob, plating out nicely.

This peach Milli came from Fish2morow's recent sale.

This plate has a purple rim. I got it from Pete a few month's ago, and decided to place it on the Elephant's Tooth rock.

Here's the full set up with the refugium beneath.

This RBTA isn't just living in the refugium, but look how it has twisted itself.

Lots of fungia plates and four maxima clams in the valley between the reef and the bommie.

I like this SPS with bright green polyps. The coral isn't pink or purple though as one might expect.

I love looking down on this section of the SPS.

The sunset montipora has been encrusting over the past nine months.

This is a red tabling acropora. It is visible from the front of the tank, but I took this picture from the backside peaking over the rockwork.

The Aussie Tongue Plate coral. It has a spot that had died off, but has begun to heal. What's funny is that new growth has made it wider on the right end.

This bigger blue tort was also being chewed on by AEFW, but with the daily turkey basting, it has colored up nicely.

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Tank Entry , ‎ Photography/Video


  1. Robb in Austin's Avatar
    Why the Vortech on the side?

    Nice pics as usual.
  2. melev's Avatar
    That one Vortech pump (mp40) is to create some cross flow to the bommie area.
  3. kona reefer's Avatar
    Hey Melev, the tank is looking great! However, in the 19th picture (the one with 2x yellow tang + 1x naso tang) that the yellow tang on the bottom is looking a little stressed and skinny. Is he okay? It could also just be the angle of the picture.

    Keep up the good work!
  4. Midnight's Avatar
    I noticed the tang too, but I figured that it was fairly new to the tank. Once it gets going on Marc's feeding regime, it should begin to fatten up.
  5. OneReef's Avatar
    You have really gotten good at the quality of your pictures. I think I need to find a portal magnifier. I wonder if they are in any black Friday sales?
  6. melev's Avatar
    He is the thinnest of the three yellows, and gets picked on by the other two for no good reason. It's the one that got glue on his mouth too, which didn't help him eat. I'm hoping for the best for him.
  7. Jnarowe's Avatar
    Tank is looking badass. I had a yellow getting bullied and even trapped in a hole. I thought for sure it was going to die, and then one day he had enough, and fought back. He ended up re-joining the herd and ended up doing just fine. It was a purple and another yellow that had ganged up on him.
  8. Blake's Avatar
    hey melev what ever happened to your giant toadstool? it was by far my favorite coral in your old tank
  9. baker.shawn's Avatar
    wow great pics
  10. a whiff of grapeshot's Avatar
    You have too many plate corals, help me replace the one I recently lost......
  11. Wes's Avatar
    looks nice marc, some good growth and nice coral recoveries. well done. however, someone, please help me convince him to at least try three bulbs of the same color, at least for a little while...please!