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Salt going down

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What would cause my salinity to creep downward...I only replace the evap with freshwater. I am going to add some extra salty water to raise it back up and am curious as to where the salt is going.

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  1. kayl's Avatar
    Do you have a leak?
  2. Midnight's Avatar
    contrary to popular belief some salt is lost through evaporation. also salt creep. and also the acclimation process.
  3. kitch40's Avatar
    no leaksthat I know of!
  4. kitch40's Avatar
    salt creep is my guess too as I see there seems to be quite a bit of salt building up onthings. Thanks
  5. DJ in WV's Avatar
    Skimmate, I use a 1 gal container and when full I add 1 gal of salt mix back to the sump,
  6. steve8855's Avatar
    ya if you skim wetter you would lose a good amount of salt
  7. evoracer's Avatar
    First off what are you measuring salinity with and what are the reading s you are seeing?
  8. jlemoine2's Avatar
    From my experience, salt creep and skimmer are the primary cause of the slow drop in salinity. In the past, I have run smaller tanks without a skimmer, and I've never noticed the small drop in salinity, so skimming is probably a bigger contributor than salt creep.