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Swimming Decorator crab

Tank birthday, 40 years.

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I haven't really posted here before, in the blogs anyway but I have some time and some pictures so what the heck.
As some people already know, I set up my reef in 1971 and so far it is still running. Ug filter and all.
So I figured I would post a picture. It is a 100 gallon mixed reef with a few SPS but mostly LPS corals and about 20 fish. All of the rock I either collected myself or built from PVC pipe covered in cement.
I recently changed from MH to LED.

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  1. DJ in WV's Avatar
    Still in amazement every time I see it, 40 years is a definite milestone for everyone else to shoot for Paul. Do they not have recycling centers where your from :P
  2. steve8855's Avatar
    wow im amazed the the silicon on your tank hasent started to leak from what ive read at about 10 years or soo it seems alot of people start to get leaks in there tanks.

    mine tanks onlly a year old only 39 years to go!!!!
  3. Paul B's Avatar
    No leaks yet. But this glass is only 35 years old. I started the tank in another tank and transfered everything including the water to a larger tank after five years.

    Do they not have recycling centers where your from :P
    Some of us recycle differently

  4. Hat39406's Avatar
    Congrats Paul! It is truly an amazing accomplishment.
  5. baker.shawn's Avatar
    that sure is old!
  6. Paul B's Avatar
    It is old, but so am I
  7. skidrow52's Avatar
    wow !!!!! !!
  8. snorkeler's Avatar
    truly amazing, very inspirational!

  9. Paul B's Avatar
    Thanks guys
  10. Paul B's Avatar
    I took a Video. But I should have shut off the pumps.