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LEAR Fragswap!! + accidental interceptor introduction

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Hello I just got some new frags from the LEAR fragswap in ohio where i was happy to see and talk to fellow reef addict @gist41980 and as of an hour ago were released into the tank after their dip. In the process a small amount of Interceptor got into my display tank. This will only kill shrimp and not my corals and clams right? if not and i need to do something please let me know.
thank you,

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  1. Midnight's Avatar
    At just a little probably no affect. But I think interceptor will have more of an effect on any types of worms.
  2. baker.shawn's Avatar
    interceptor should not harm shrimp and it will not at all affect clams or coral,
    but it will kill crabs...this being said i just treated my tank with interceptor for 9hr and 2 or my 3 emerald crabs survived...
  3. gist41980's Avatar
    Blake, good meeting you and talking with you yesterday. Hope you got some goodies! Here is one I snagged:
  4. Blake's Avatar
    WOW! Jason outdoes himself every time! haha I bought a few acros from him myself amoung a few other things but unfortunately my camera takes horrible pictures under my leds so I cant share what Ive got on here or anywhere else
  5. melev's Avatar
    That's great that you guys ran into each other there. Being active in local events makes this hobby more fun.
  6. Blake's Avatar
    yes it is and I cant wait to stop over at his place to see the tank! and those filefish