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Bryopsis DOH! So I have a new question....

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So here I have finally discovered that the algae I have been fighting isn't hair algae or caulerpra toxifica but bryopsis instead . I know that the two main ways that people seem to fight this stuff is by raising the magnesium (not a fan of that idea with me actually keeping millepora alive for a change) and the other option a foxface rabbit fish.

I am not scared of adding a foxface to the bioload of my tank as I am confident it won't make any noticeable dent in that but what I am worried about is aggression between it and the yellow tang as the tang is there already. The tang is not full size and is MAYBE 3 1/2" long looks to be closer to 3 1/4" if not smaller than that. If I do add the foxface should I expect some initial aggression and then everyone to be fine after a couple of days or will they both be laying lead on both sides of the tank within hours?

I would be adding it with the lights off after acclimation but seeing as how I can pull out hand fulls of this stuff one day and 2 days later it be right back and bigger in size than before! I feel like I am fighting and uphill battle and honestly right now I am almost weighing the costs of coral to fish here and seeing that coral is more expensive

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  1. cyano's Avatar
    Upon a little further research I think I will attempt to boost my magnesium up little by little to see if I get any good results, but I refuse to go past a comfortable dosage in which case I will be looking at a foxface still so my questions still stand as for as compatibility with the yellow tang, odds of it eating the algae, and odds of best friends with tang with them having sleepovers and holding fins skipping and singing songs?
  2. cyano's Avatar
    Ok, so I have ordered a gallon of Kent Tech M Magnesium supplement and what I have decided to do is document results and Magnesium levels with pictures and posting on another blog. The Tech M should be in later this week some time so once it comes in I will start the process. I have found a lot of posts and information about people doing this but no real logs with pictures that show results relative to magnesium levels/dosage of the Kent so hopefully I can get this together to help others decide what is right for their tank rather than just reading "do it because it worked for me." If anyone has any other thoughts or suggestions please let me know and hopefully in about 2 weeks I will no longer be ashamed of my full tank shot!
  3. Midnight's Avatar
    Low Magnesium is usually the culprit of bryopsis. Found out I had a bad test kit when I had bryopsis. now it is all gone.