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265 Gallons - here we go.

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Alright so I bought a used 265 gal tank... there are days that I wonder what the heck was I thinking? as if my life wasn't complicated enough. I'm a mom, wife, home owner, and operations manger to a multi-million dollar company, lets throw in a very complicated hobby. So let me show you guys the tank. [IMG][/IMG][IMG]
so as you can see its already drilled... but that's a pretty big hole.... when I first noticed this I was turned off and almost did not buy the tank. A buddy of mine (another reef junkie) convinced me to buy the tank because its definitely a show tank - absolutely no scratches and hey I can build my own overflows right? (not really but I'd figure that out later). Lets get back to these pre-drilled holes. I call the guy who sold me the tank and ask about the bulkheads - Get this... he never had any - OK?! ( In my head WTF?? so how the hell am I supposed to plumb this thing? ) He says to me I had 4" acrylic pipe going thru these holes with silicone sealing it... No overflows just a 4" clear acrylic pipe... He then says I'm pretty sure you can order a 3" bulkhead... it will fit the hole. I call my LFS and ask about these 3" bulk heads and of course, no one has any. (Again what the heck was I thinking when I bought this tank, LOL) One LFS did suggest a pool store or pond store. Online I found "The water garden". They sell pond supplies and have great prices. When the bulkheads finally arrive -guess what - THEY DON'T FIT! - At this point I'm pretty pissed. The hole needs to be shaved down about 1/4" - 1/4" on 1/2" glass is not an easy task. The local glass vendor would not do the job in fear the glass would crack. Lucky for me I love a challenge and I'm not one to give up. I did some research and found a diamond coated sanding drum and got to work. [IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG]

The tank will be set up on that back wall - The 120gal will need to be moved prior to setting up the new one. The back wall will be painted a different color and I have yet to decide what color I want. I think maybe a blue? who knows...

Been sanding the glass for days... Almost there...

YESSSSS!!!!!!!! (music for rocky plays.. in my head LOL) One down... One to go...


Ok more pics.. this was happening while I was sanding...[IMG][/IMG]

metal stand getting prettied up...
The guy who built my stand suggested I put some insulation to keep it cool and to reduce the noise... He tells me he did this for someone else and they were very happy with the end result... I still have my doubts but I'll give it a shot. I can always remove the insulation later.

I decided to have it painted an expresso color. Time to build the overflows... THANK YOU MELEV for the 1/2" glass idea. I contacted Melev for acrylic overflows but he suggested 1/4" acrylic might not be strong enough. So the plan is to place the acrylic over the glass. I still have not been able to order the acrylic overflows but hope to do so in the next few weeks... I need to figure how to sneak more money out of our bank account... My husband is ready to have a coronary with my expensive hobby...


Here is my pump... I was so excited when it arrived... felt like I waited for weeks.... LOL [IMG][/IMG]

My sump is and 110 gal tank I'm getting the glass for partitions this Saturday and will hopefully have the time to work on it when the baby naps. I got my 1" SCWD from marine depot today.. So that's pretty much where I'm at right now... there is still lots and lots to be done... Any feed back or suggestions is appreciated. Thanks for reading

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  1. cyano's Avatar
    definitely have a long way to go but the end will be very rewarding so your patience will eventually pay off I don't suppose there is anyway of getting any pics of your current running tank *drool drool*? So I am assuming you are planning to run a sump with it being insulated (I like that idea by the way) what else are you planning on running like skimmer/bio pellet reactor/calcium reactor/algae scrubber/canister filter?
  2. NeenahFoxxe's Avatar
    I have a c-skim 1800 skimmer- DIY de-nitrator - DIY phosphate/carbon reactor. They will all be used on the new system. The 110 gal sump will have a fuge and frag rack built into it. As far as lighting it, my plan is to go with LEDs to keep the heat to a minimum. As far as dosing - I still do it manually - not sure if to go with a doser or reactor.... I would love an auto-fill but still trying to figure that out too...
  3. melev's Avatar
    I can't believe the size of those holes, that's something we didn't discuss. I'm glad you found a work around, but we should have talked about this as well. Perhaps I could have given you an easier solution.

    Does the tank with those bulkheads sit okay on the stand, or is the steel in the way? I see some metal has been cut away...
  4. NeenahFoxxe's Avatar
    I agree on the holes - the guy I bought the tank from had some sort of clamps under the tank holding the acrylic tubes in place. That's the reason he had the metal cut away a bit. I thought about plugging the holes with a piece of glass and drilling new holes. The problem I encountered with that was not being able to fit my hand (and I have small hands) in thru the bottom to screw on the smaller bulkhead. The plan now is to use the 3" bulkheads and reducing it to 2". I really thought about passing this tank up but I fell in love with the fact it's 7 feet long (not your average and common 6 foot lenght) and it did not have a single scratch. So why was he selling the tank? His wife threw him and the tank out the house (ouch). I ended up paying $300.00 for the tank, and metal stand. He threw in a refractometer, 2 fans and a couple HOB fuge boxes. I feel kinda sad for the guy he's texted me a couple of times to ask about "his tank" - he's actually coming by tomorrow to help out me with drilling the sump for the external pump.
  5. melev's Avatar
    That's a heck of a deal. I don't blame you a bit for buying it.