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400g going back to Marineland

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I know many of you have wondered what is going on with the tank that leaked. To sum up, during the past two months I had to fly out to California to promote MACNA, came back to deal with the livestock in a tank that was 50% full (lagoon-mode), borrowed a 215g from a friend, got really sick that lasted 10 days, took another week to recover from that, moved the livestock into the 215g, took 450 lbs of sand out of the tank and cleaned it out.

It was then that I reached out to Marineland, because they couldn't do anything until the tank was empty and ready for them. We traded emails back and forth, but in the end they asked if I could ship it back to where they could work on it in their factory, instead of flying a guy out to repair it here and ship replacement glass panels to meet him.

I needed to line up people to help take it off the stand, tilt it on its front or back panel and roll it out the front door. It took about two weeks to get roughly 10 people to meet up, which happens today in 1.5 hours. I did a test run with a sheet of pink foam cut out to match the footprint of the tank on its side, 90.75" x 30". This was then navigated down the narrow hallway and out the front door. As far as I can tell, this is going to be REALLY snug, but doable. Much better than trying to get the tank out the back of my house, and carry / roll it all the way around to the driveway.

I borrowed 8 suction cups, two furniture dollies, and have some straps we may use to keep the dollies in place. Once the tank is outside, we'll put it on a pallet and I'll box it up to get it ready to truck back to Indiana.

More later.

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  1. Midnight's Avatar
    Heeve ho, and good luck. Hmm I don't see my sump, must of moved out of the way for safety!
  2. Reefski's Avatar
    good luck with a smooth move. how is the livestock faring?

  3. brotherd's Avatar
    Good that it's going back to Marineland.Probably no idea of turnaround time though?
  4. melev's Avatar
    No, it was moved way out of the way to protect it from damage, Midnight.

    The livestock is okay.

    No idea. It has to travel to IA, then be assessed, taken apart, rebuilt, cured, and water tested, then ship back. I'm expecting 8 weeks, but who knows.