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The maintenance never ends, right?

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The tank is really doing well lately, but that doesn't mean stop taking care of the mundane stuff. Tonight I hopped off the couch and scraped the inside of the sump clean of everything, siphoned it all out down the french drain, wiped down the skimmer body and cleaned the collection cup. While the two Dart pumps were off, the 5" strainers were soaked in vinegar & water, as well as the frag tank's Durso & perforated pipe. Sponges and other creatures were clogging the holes, and what I'm assuming is some type of bacteria has been building up on stuff. Got all of that out. Also cleaned out the strainer plate in the NP reactor since it was getting gunked up significantly.

The water in the 265g poly tank was warmer than my reef, and I did a 75g water change. The tank was 81.3 and the aged saltwater was 82.6F. I need to vent the dehumidifier into the attic area to quit adding heat to the fishroom, but don't have the time at the moment. The Apex is set to turn off lights if the tank gets over 82F, and sound a chime. With the warmer water change water in such a large volume, the lights went dark a little earlier than usual.

No news on the livestock to share - everyone is fat and happy. The Autofeeder continues to work so I got lucky with the quick fix after the accidental submersion last weekend.

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Updated 06-28-2012 at 03:15 AM by melev

Tank Entry


  1. Midnight's Avatar
    I love those sun corals, eventually I will have to get some if I ever get this tank going.
  2. melev's Avatar
    These are Dendrophyllia polyps, where are three times the size of Tubastrea (sun corals). They cost more, but are open during the day time.
  3. cyano's Avatar
    I wish my lfs carried them :'(
  4. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Are they photosynthetic or do they need daily feeding like the sun corals?
  5. melev's Avatar
    They are photosynthetic, and need to be target fed at least twice a week.