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Snorkeler's Cube

Got a Galaxea Green

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I unexpectedly bought a Galaxea Green frag today... Left the car at the washing station, 45 minutes queue, went for a walk with the kids and decided to check out an LFS closeby which I hadn't been to in years.

Well, they had a small Galaxea Grenn frag which looked good and wasn't expensive (R$80 ~ US$40) so I decided to get it. I've got good flow in the tank now, good lighting too, so it should work out.

Picture after arrival:

Picture 1 hour later, with a little of polyp extension:

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  1. Midnight's Avatar
    cool man, looks like the shrimp was there to inspect
  2. cyano's Avatar
    keep an eye on it, my galaxea doesn't like high flow or strong direct light. I have had it growing in the sand before and now it is almost on the bottom behind a big rock kind of shaded and it loves it there.
    Updated 07-01-2012 at 09:31 PM by cyano (adding)