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Red leaf lettuce

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Red leaf lettuce, is this good to have growing in my tank? It Started growing out of the blue, no its the size of a softball. Do I keep it in tank or put in the refuge?

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  1. melev's Avatar
    Can you post a picture? Is this Dragon's Breath by any chance?
  2. Articfox32's Avatar
    Heres a pic of the leaf lettuce.
  3. Articfox32's Avatar
    I want to send a picture but how do I upload it when it asks for an URL?
  4. blakew's Avatar
    There's a couple of different ways...

    1) If you have a picasa, photobucket, etc account, upload the photo to that account and copy the http:\\ address of the photo. Then come back to this site and click on the "insert image" icon and paste the copied http:\\ address into the line under "URL". You should see your image in the "leave comment" box prior to clicking the "post now" button.

    2)Go to your profile on this site. If you scroll down on your profile page you have an "albums" section. You can create an album and upload pictures to the album. When you click on the picture in the album there is a line under the picture (on the right side) that says "URL". Copy that and paste as above and make sure you see the image prior to clicking "post now".
    Updated 07-09-2012 at 01:23 AM by blakew (spelling)
  5. Articfox32's Avatar
    Here is the picture. Thanks Blakew for the help with the info on how to post this. Can anyone tell me what this is?
  6. melev's Avatar
    Looks like "Dragon's Breath" to me. This is one algae that really doesn't cause any issues in the tank. It adds movement, color, and some fish will eat it.
  7. Articfox32's Avatar
    Thanks melev. I will keep it in the tank until it gets to big and move some to the Refugium if needed.
  8. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    That's horrible terrible stuff that will ruin your tank. You should ship it all to me immediately for tang dispossal. LOL

    Sorry couldn't resist. That about the only algae I haven't had at some point.