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January pictures

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I took a few pictures today to share.

Acropora sp - one of the only acros to make it to the 215g

The blue tort has nice new growth, but the main body doesn't look as nice as it should. I need to take a powerhead to it to see if any pests come off.

Birdsnest coral - the valonia in there is tough to pull out.

This birdsnest usually has a Chromis living within the branches.

Pavona vs Chalice - I need to break up this war.

The Hammer zone

The yellow scroll was almost lost, but all the edges are now growing out. It'll only be time before it heals over fully.

This Aussie tongue coral has a funny spot that never grew out.

Some zoanthids. A few are growing up the overflow, which makes it easier to share them.

These larger polyped zoas are hosting another Chromis.

This is the main view of the tank I have each day.

I need to do some water tests.

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  1. Hat39406's Avatar
    Beautiful, Marc!
  2. syedjilani's Avatar
    Very Beautiful. I like last fish shot.... Love anthies.
  3. Midnight's Avatar
    Wow, that last picture shows how cramped they are in the 215
  4. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Yeah, and I thought my 55 was running out of space! Looking good Marc.