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Three days of a Rose

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Day One:
As I took pictures of my reef, I did so with the pumps off. When the MP60 resumed, my RBTA began to spin around and around, twisting its base. It was concerning, so I stopped the pump and tried to unwind it with my gloved hand. It began retracting into the rocks, so I left it alone before I annoyed it -- I didn't want it to split, nor to move.

Day Two:
I checked on it and the core was still twisted. However, it appeared to be moving its foot to unwind now, rather than pivoting its top section.

Looking at the upper section provided no clue that the core wasn't the normal pillar beneath.

Day Three:
It is all back to normal. Tomorrow, its presence will surely be obvious once more.

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  1. Mostly Rock's Avatar
    woot! Good to see she's doing well!