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Maidens Hair and Fuge question

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We've been in the saltwater aquarium world for about a year now. We've made lots of mistakes and encountered lots of problems, Byropsis, Cyano Bacteria, mis-information and now we have Maidens Hair in the main tank.

I've contacted several people and had a positive response from Indo-Pacific Sea Farms. The person I emailed back and forth with told me that their Reef Tank Tune Up crew should do the trick. Does anyone have experience in this area?

We have a 55 gallon tank with a PM R-30 Fuge and a RL 100 skimmer. The fuge is the "normal type" I guess sand, rubble and Chaeto.
I was looking at the Tang Heaven Variety Pack. I like the idea of growing food for my fish in the fuge. But I'm curious as to the ability of the Tang Heaven to remove Nitrates. How would it stack up against the Chaeto?


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  1. melev's Avatar
    Robby, I have a feeling cheatomorpha would outpace it easily. Growing Tang Heaven isn't all that easy, or you'd hear about everyone doing it.
  2. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    I wish I could comment on IPSF's tune up pack. But they won't ship to Alaska. I'm having issues with red hair algae and dino's right now. The dino's I can deal with, this red hair has got me stumped.

    What is Maiden's Hair? That's one I haven't experienced yet...I think.
  3. melev's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Alaska_Phil
    What is Maiden's Hair? That's one I haven't experienced yet...I think.
  4. Jessy's Avatar
    In my experience those kinds of algae grow really slow and my tangs could take out an entire year's worth of growth in one night. I don't think its a sustainable option.
  5. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Ahh, OK, I used to get that in my Nano tank. I thought that was what was called turf algae. I took a rock covered in it to my 50 gal an my yellow tang picked it spotless over night.
  6. RobbyandKristie's Avatar
    We have a small yellow tang, a hippo tang, a lemon peel angel, and a coral beauty and they won't touch it. All the articles I've read say that it has a toxic substance in it that keeps the herbivores from eating it. That's why I was asking about the reef tune up, if it was possibly worth $100+ to buy them.
  7. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Maybe what I had was something different after all then.