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Podcast #5 coming soon

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Working our booth today, we interviewed a number of vendors. Those videos are going to be appearing on our YouTube channel over the next few hours and days. The processing involved in importing, editing and exporting as well as upload time to YouTube - it all takes time, and we are going to need more minions to be able to do that at the show. We're hoping to streamline this somewhat, and practice will only make us better. It's really challenging to try to edit when people continue to come up to talk, which we greatly enjoy too! We want to keep chatting, and that means we have to edit later when we have a quiet spot to work. That's when everyone wants to go to dinner, or hang out together at a local bar. Decisions!

We just wanted to give you an update since we'd hoped it was going to release today... The podcast will be out in the next couple of days.

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  1. VitalApparatuz's Avatar
    Take your time.Sweet MAX vids thanks!