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This site seems like its going to awesome.

tank AGA 65g RR 36x18x24
lighting: 250w reeflux 12k
filtration: fuge cheato, barebottom, octo 110 skimmer new semicone
movement: 2x koaralia evo ( soon to be on wave maker)

i have sps,lps softies

inverts: max clam, GBTA, rock anemone, 4 mini carpets(thx mark)

fish: green mandarin, purple fire fish, sailfin tang, pygmy angle, yellow corris, chromis, twin spot goby, false perc clown

ok some updates added a coral beauty, and a ORA target mandarin, also added a Reef Keeper Lite

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Updated 08-24-2010 at 10:22 AM by stangchris

Tank - Full Summary


  1. melev's Avatar
    How long has your tank been up?
  2. Jessy's Avatar
    Welcome. I like your yellow coris wrasse. One of the best fishes a tank can have IMO
  3. stangchris's Avatar
    all rock and some livestock came out of 2x29 biocubes, that had been set up 2 years and in this current setup it's been 8 months
  4. stangchris's Avatar
    yes the yellow wrasse is my fav, great cleaner always goes up to new frags and checks for "bugs", but its a character
  5. Hat39406's Avatar
    Very nice layout in ya tank! Going to be awesome when the corals mature more.
  6. stangchris's Avatar
    tank has been doing great
  7. melev's Avatar
    Hey Chris, good to see you again. Have you made any changes lately? Did you add a backdrop?
  8. stangchris's Avatar
    thanks Mark, ive had success dosing esv b-ionic 2 part, also aquavitro "FUEL" (amino acids) and just feeding coral with coral frenzy. changed out mag pump for a SICCE, but i like seeing the growth diff from when i first posted. what do mean back drop??
  9. Hat39406's Avatar
    Hey Chris, you have seen more growth since you been dosing? Do you also think it's because of what ya been feeding the corals also? Marc means putting something on back glass or painting it so you won't see the equipment through the tank.
  10. stangchris's Avatar
    no backdrop just clean, i need one since its by a window algae grows fast

    @HAT; yes alot of growth since dosing i admit i dose by the instructions on bottle only and don't test, also best growth has come with the amino acid dosing added. look at there cap on my overflow it has almost doubled
  11. Hat39406's Avatar
    I know, it looks awesome! How did you hang that monti?
  12. stangchris's Avatar
    it was incrusted on a frag disc then used epoxy and superglue gel