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More Lighting and Protein Skimmer Quetions!

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Ok, I have two PC's lights but they are not the 50/50's, two whites on one and two blues on the other. My question is: Would you put the blues in front of the tank or the whites?

Now protein skimmer question: are you suppose to have any bubbles coming out of the return at all? Also, I still don't have much foam in the cup so I turned it up a little last night, thus creating some bubbles out of the return.

Thanks for ya help in advance!

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  1. cdmorrison01's Avatar
    is it possible to do something like this:
    blue--------- ---------white
    white-------- --------- blue
    Mix them up a little bit.
  2. Hat39406's Avatar
    No, I could get all new with 50/50 and that would mix them up. But, I have the two blues and the two white. See, on pc's they have two bulbs together, at least on mine.
  3. stangchris's Avatar
    what kind of skimmer(model). also with lighting when i ran CF light i liked the 460/420 actinic lights its the one that is blue/pink made some colors pop. i would just mix them up till you find what you llike.
  4. Hat39406's Avatar
    Yeah, i'v been having the whites in the front. I believe I'll put the blue in the front before turning lights on today.

    I have the SeaClone 100 by Instant Ocean.
  5. FISH PROS's Avatar
    not to burst your bubble and i know you have already spent your money on the skimmer but................ that is one of the worst skimmers one can buy ,extremly overrated and for what you payed for it for a few dollars more you could have went with an swc 160 cone.
  6. Hat39406's Avatar
    Hmmm... my LFS reccomended this one to me. Although it seems I can't set it right, my wife and I noticed a huge difference in the water clearness in a short time. So it's working, I'm just trying to tweak it to it's best.

    I took my hood off and went to take the lighting off and caught my intank tube and had a waterfall out the back of my tank. Thank God my electrical is up and out the way. I also have a switch that cuts all power. Worked nicely!

    Anyway, I put the blue lights in the front and the tank looks awesome! I believe I'll go with that.
    Updated 05-05-2010 at 10:46 AM by Hat39406
  7. TomNeely's Avatar
    "Hmmm... my LFS recommended this one to me." --- Time to find another LFS! For what they charge you could have got a better skimmer used from another reefer...

    This was my first skimmer too. We all make mistakes when we begin our salty dream…
  8. stangchris's Avatar
    dont worry if it works for you go with it, i had a chepo skimmer worked good just alot tweaking all the time, i have a octopus skimmer and for the price im very happy. lights and color are all personal prefence
  9. melev's Avatar
    Use the blue bulbs in front, and the white bulbs behind them. Looking through the blue, the tank will look nicer.

    Agreed, the Seaclone is a terrible skimmer. Unfortunately, we sometimes get bad advice. There are better skimmers. The Aqua-C Remora is a good HOB skimmer.
  10. Hat39406's Avatar
    yeah, I put the blues to the front and it makes things color pop out. I don't know what i'm going to do about the skimmer situation. Thanks for all the advise!