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She's really taking up a lot of space lately. I may have to pull some LR out of the tank. This was taken earlier in the day before she engorged herself. It's a pretty creature, but it leaves little room for other stuff. The Capricornis to the left is almost a goner due to her sting.

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  1. BigAl07's Avatar
    Wow! It's beauty!!!!
  2. Hat39406's Avatar
    It's beautiful for sure, and hosting that cute clown too. Don't ya wish ya could frag it? That would solve ya problem.
  3. Tumbleweed's Avatar
    You can frag Anenomes. You cut them in half at the mouth. But Marc will not he loves this one the way it is.
  4. Hat39406's Avatar
    Yeah, I did see someone on YouTube, he made frags on mushrooms. He said as long as you go through their mouth you can get as many as you can. He was making four frag out of one mushroom.
  5. dread240's Avatar
    I wish my current problem was that my rose was too big. I've been asking around on a few forums if anybody has a smaller rose anemone, like they had one split and is now taking up residence in their tank and they want to part with it. I've been unable to find a decent one in a LFS and the ones online will cost me near $200 to get here, and with needing other stuff still, it's just not in the cards yet
  6. Douwant2play's Avatar
    Maybe anoher tank just for her and the clown?
  7. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Douwant2play
    Maybe anoher tank just for her and the clown?
    I think that's what his nano is rapidly becoming.
  8. melev's Avatar
    Yeah, sometimes you just have to accept how it plays out, you know?
  9. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    Yeah, sometimes you just have to accept how it plays out, you know?
    that part of what make a living system so rewarding for me. Just seeing how things evolve on their own.
  10. Mockery's Avatar
    Take a pair of sissors to it! lol But really that is a gorgeous piece.
  11. Hat39406's Avatar
    Here you go Melev, 80 bucks with a clown.
  12. dread240's Avatar
    just mail me a portion of her, my clown will love you long time :-P (actually the bastard probably still wouldn't go in it)