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Update on the Acro with algae

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The coral is showing improvement. I've been putting hermits in this coral by hand, placing them where I need them once a week for the past three weeks. Here's a picture from today.

The entire reef looks better. And something interesting has happened to my LPS. Over the past 6 months or so, I've seen the random polyp (or head) close down for a few days and die. I couldn't find the cause and felt it must be a fish because it was randomly happening in my system. However, since some would die in the angled tank also, there was no fish moving back and forth and I think I would have seen a worm doing the damage if that was the culprit.

Since treating the tank with Chemi-Clean to nuke the cyano bacteria, all the LPS look fluffier and overall more healthy. This leads me to the theory that some cyano was present in the individual heads, irritating them to the point of them dying. There is no trace of visible cyano in the tank now, and the pink hammer looks like it is filling in again - when actually the re-opended heads are hiding some of the nearby ones that had died. It looks better, and that makes me happy.

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  1. Hat39406's Avatar
    I'm glad your Hammer made it Marc! Do you think that cyano can get in the heads? Because I have one small zoa frag with about 6 heads on it covered with cyano and now that the algae is gone they just don't look right. I wonder if that could be happening to mine. Hmmmm
  2. melev's Avatar
    Blow off those zoanthids in some strong flow. They may need a little extra cleansing.
  3. Hat39406's Avatar
    I will do that! Hey Marc, i'm about to leave to go get my 75g RR. :-)
  4. melev's Avatar
    Nice! Congratulations.
  5. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Sweet, glad to see the hermit treatment is working. And here I thought those guys were only good for reducing my snail populations.
  6. melev's Avatar
    I'll have to get a few more in a few days. Two Emeralds haven't jumped yet, so maybe they are climbing up late at night.