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Full Tank Shot for June 2010

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I was looking at my tank and not hating it today.

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  1. InsaneClownFish's Avatar
    As usual...
  2. Jessy's Avatar
    looove it..
  3. diablo30xp's Avatar
    Awsome tank!!!!
  4. Hat39406's Avatar
    Man, you have it going on! How old is the setup now, don't feel like looking it up again..heh. What is the blue coral top center. Blue tort or something maybe?
  5. melev's Avatar
    The center blue acro is an Acropora formosa, in the staghorn family. The one to the right that is on the overflow above the Toadstool leather is a frag from the same colony, but under 10,000K lighting it is a different color. Except the tips, which are very blue, which you saw in my recent blog about the the issue it was having with nuisance algae growth.

    The tank is going to turn 6 years old in August.
  6. syedjilani's Avatar