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My toadstool leather that I got on Saturday is not looking so good today and yesterday.


Yesterday and today

I am going to test all my parameters here shortly, but I wanted to get some help started.

For HAT's sake I am including a FTS

Sorry for the not so great pics, I am still learning to compensate for tank lighting.

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  1. T5FL's Avatar
    I put a couple of new toadstools in my tank and it took a few days for them to settle in, what kind of lighting do you have?
  2. Midnight's Avatar
    I have 4 t5 actinics and 2x 250 MH one is 10k and one is 14k ...soon I will be replacing the 10k as I like the 15k better. the toadstoll is just above the mid point in a 30in tall tank. the tank is a flat back hex which is what the blurry line is on the FTS.
  3. T5FL's Avatar
    I have mine mid point and in a area with less flow and they seem to be happy. Maybe try a new spot in the tank?
  4. diablo30xp's Avatar
    its going to shed from what i c. The shinyness on top is the skin that will shed. Mine do it from time to time. Just give it a few days.
  5. Hat39406's Avatar
    I know different animal but when I moved everything to the larger tank my blue ridge coral sHed like Diablo said and then it was fine in a few days. Thanks for ya FTS! ;-)
    Updated 07-08-2010 at 12:21 AM by Hat39406
  6. Midnight's Avatar
    ok, cool, thanks guys I just was worried that it was horribly unhappy
  7. melev's Avatar
    Yes, it should be fine. Those are pretty hardy corals.
  8. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Mine is the most finicky coral I have. It'll go from fully open, to closed up looking like it's dying, then back to full open an happy again sometimes a couple times over the course of a day. But it keep growing.
  9. dashbuster's Avatar
    it will be fine. they are kinda like kids. act up sometimes. lol
  10. dashbuster's Avatar
    it will be fine. they are kinda like kids. act up sometimes. lol