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Moving Aquarium

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Hey everyone.

So I will be moving my 40 gal tank soon enough. It is about a 30 min drive away so not tooo too bad.
My plan was just to unplug everything.. remove the light, pumps, heater and then about 20 % of the water in the tank. Il just leave everything in there cause its time consuming to take the rock out and livestock.. I have a trailer for my motorcycle that should fit the tank on perfectly. That way it will be in the open and get some breeze on the top of the water so it doesnt over heat. So basically when I get there it will be super quick to set back up.

However on a serious note, my actual plan differs a little bit.. lol. I don't even own a motorcycle. Im hoping to carry at least half the water in 5 gal buckets. Il put my live rock and live stock in buckets, and set a bit of sand asside to recolonate the sand.. and now this is the part im not sure of... do I get new sand or not. It seems safer to use new sand, but I think I have seen Melev comment on something like this before, and that using the same sand (thoroughly rinsed) also works.. The sand has lots of stuff in it though.. i has been up for 2 years so.

Setting it up at the new place should go ok.. just plan to put the sand in first and then a lid on top or tuff bag so slowly add the water in the tank and try to save on cloudiness. Then slowly add the rocks and stuff and new water..

Im probably missing some details but if someone has anything to through in here that would be cool.


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  1. TheBChamp's Avatar
    Yeah I dont want to loose all those things.. I have worms, and brittle stars and stuff... could always try it.. my sand bed is 1 to about 2 and a half inchs deep depending on the location in the tank.
  2. yiyi67's Avatar
    I don't want claim to be more knowledgeable as anyone else on here, but I think I can help here. I have moved a tank 6 times now from 20 minutes away to 6 hours away and each time I've just left a couple inches of water over my sand bed and all has been fine. I've done it with a shallow sand bed like yours and a DSB without any problems or die off of any said "critters". There is plenty of oxygen in a couple inches of water to sustain many more micro/ macro organisms that live in our sand. Hope this helps!

    - Ryan
  3. TheBChamp's Avatar
    Yep... I was leaning that way myself.. Easier and I like the biodiversity I have accumulated in there for the past couple of years
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