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New to Reef Addicts

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Hello everyone I am new to this site. I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. My name is Gina and I have a 183 gal cube tank. I recently had a battle with ich getting into my tank. Still haven't figured out how but in any event it killed most of my fish. When I first started seeing signs I pulled all the fish from the DT and put them into a 75 gal QT tank. During the ich TX most of them died. Not sure what went wrong. After about 3 weeks in the QT just one by one the started to go. Eating and acting fine then the next morning dead. So after 10 weeks of the DT being empty, only have 2 fish were left and treated for ich, I re-introduced them and its been abut 3 months now and I haven't seen any signs of it returning. The fish left are eating and acting fine. I just don't know where to go from here regarding getting more fish. Any suggestions. I was going to just stick with LiveAquaria fish but I'm not sure I was to limit my self with that idea.
Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks

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Updated 07-21-2010 at 03:42 PM by melev

Random Thoughts , ‎ Questions - Need some input


  1. Alaska_Phil's Avatar

    Could you tell us some more about your system? What types of corals and remaining fish do you have?

    As for where to get them, I've been very happy with the fish and corals I've gotten from Blue Zoo Aquatic as well.
  2. agsansoo's Avatar
    Welcome Gina !
    Are there any good LFS in your area ? Just remember to pick the healthiest fish you can. Then QT them. Watch to see how they are eating before you buy them.

    Ich needs a host to survive. Once you moved all your fish to the QT it would have all died off in about 4-5 week (if I remember correctly). You should be OK to introduce new fish to the DT.
  3. Rydr119's Avatar
    I have a good mix of corals, SPS, LPS, Zoas, ect. I have a 75gal sump/fuge and I run a 400W 20K radium. There re some good LFS's in my area, I am just worried about QTing again after what happened last time. The ich was only like 1 or 2 spots on 2 fish and I set up the QT and ran copper and tested it everyday but I just think my fish couldn't handle it. I felt horrible about loosing them. I have a flame wrasse and a blue tang left which are at this point back in the DT. At one point after the copper was done, my blue tang got an infection somehow and stopped eating and acting right and I though it was a goner. SO I asked my dad whos a Vet what he thought I should do. So I started a course of antibiotics and the fish came back 100%. I was so happy b/c I got it when it was the size of a quarter. P.S. giving a blue tang shots it a Major PAIN! SO what can I do as far as setting up a good QT? I would like to do it in a smaller tank this time.
  4. melev's Avatar
    Hi Gina,

    With a stable quarantine tank, it is possible to keep new arrivals long term as if they were in a bigger display tank. Water parameters are a little more challenging because evaporation and temperature swings are felt more quickly in a smaller volume of water versus a bigger one. If the quarantine period is going to be done with hyposalinity (1.009sg), that is a perfectly safe way to help fish get ich-free. The trick is maintaining 1.009 for the full 21 days. If it goes up to 1.010 (just up .001), you have to bring it back down to 1.009 and start the clock over for another 21 days. Ich doesn't live at 1.009, and your goal is to keep it out of your tank. An auto-top off will help; I'd almost consider that a must just to have that locked in and save you time.

    The additional benefit of QT is that the fish get used to you and the food you offer without competition. When they are later introduced to your system, they recognize the food and are more likely to jump into the fray to get their share.
  5. Rydr119's Avatar
    Thanks for the advice. I think I may just invest in an auto-top off. I am planning on going to MACNA and if I do decide to get fish I want to be ready.
  6. melev's Avatar
    Good plan. I'm going, Jessy's going, and I think our webmaster is going as well.
  7. Midnight's Avatar
    Hi Gina, glad to have you are sorry to hear about the ick.
  8. Hat39406's Avatar
    Welcome to Reef Addicts Gina! You will fing that "Most" of the people here are awesome, and very knowledgeable. Sorry to here about ya fish loss too!