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u mike

sump question

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I finally finished my sump, just want to know why the water level in the return section is lower then the baffle. is this normal ? also if I add water to that section will that raise the level in the dt.( there is only a 1/4 " of room at the top of the dt.

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  1. upster's Avatar
    That baffle for the return section will usually be the shortest piece in the sump. Typically sumps are designed to allow water to flow through the baffles from the drain section to the return. A small drop into the return section is nothing to worry about. As water evaporates you will notice the water level in the return section continuing to drop. That is why people place float switches in their return sections.

    If you add water to the sump (or DT) the water level in the return section will continue to rise. Assuming that you have an overflow bow in the DT, the only place you will see differences in water level should be the return section. The water level in the DT will never change, that is what the sump is for. All you can do is overflow the sump.