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Digital Aquatics

Digital Aquatics new 40g DIY mixed reef

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I'm starting a 40g mixed reef here at work. I'm starting with an All Glass 40g breader (18"x18"x36) and an building an in-tank sump on one end of the tank. You should see this tank in some future videos and images from DA as we'll be using it (when it's ready) to demo our new stuff as we roll it out. Should be a fun project and while it's a step up from my current 20g desk tank, it's a big step down from my 155 that I had at home. I'm excited to get this going!

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Tank - Full Summary


  1. doomicon's Avatar
  2. Plantguy's Avatar
    I find your lack of pictures disturbing.

  3. Digital Aquatics's Avatar
    lol... The tank is dry on sitting on the floor. Stand will be built next weekend as well as the in tank sump.
  4. melev's Avatar
    Sweet - I'm subscribed as well. Looking forward to your future entries.