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Late night photography in Tampa, Florida

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Jessy takes great late night pictures, and I asked her to show me some of her secrets. We walked down to the beach and set up our cameras on tripods, and then commenced shooting. For the stars, 1000 ISO for 8 seconds was just about right for my D90. For the buildings, it was 85 seconds to get an interesting profile with a starburst effect from some lights.

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  1. evoracer's Avatar
    Nice shots! I need to break down and buy a nicer camera.
  2. fishtal's Avatar
    Awesome shots! I was into astronomy when I was in school.
  3. melev's Avatar
    I have a telescope that never gets used anymore. I should try to combine that with my Nikon and see what happens. If I drive 2 hours west to Possum Kingdom, I'd get billions of stars for sure. It is so dark there, and the sky is vividly bright at night.
  4. slallen's Avatar
    Very nice. You should try some light painting as well. Same technique but use a flashlight to paint an object in the foreground. can make for some very nice images.
  5. mhowe9's Avatar
    Nice shots!
  6. agsansoo's Avatar
    Jessy & Marc taking a walk along the beach ... at night ... under the stars ! Humm ...!
  7. melev's Avatar
    She wasn't just my FBGFOTW for nothing!
  8. Jessy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by agsansoo
    Jessy & Marc taking a walk along the beach ... at night ... under the stars ! Humm ...!
    I am a skilled ninja who can and will kill you in your sleep. :P
  9. agsansoo's Avatar
    LOL ... Jessy, you have to keep you guard up around us older men.
  10. agsansoo's Avatar
    Marc, did you interview Laura Birenbaum yet ?
  11. melev's Avatar
    Yes, I did. Wait - what do you mean? LOL No seriously, I did. Jessy will be releasing it soon, I'm sure. She's not jealous at all.
  12. canyousee's Avatar
    I know the info is some where I can't find it so melev what model Nikon did you use and what lense? thanks sweet shots
  13. melev's Avatar
    I'm shooting with a Nikon D90, and used a 50mm lens. It was set to infinity, 1000 ISO, using a tripod and IR remote trigger to avoid any camera shake. Images of stars took 8 seconds; any longer and they looked elongated due to the rotation of the earth. Images of the buildings was 85 seconds.
  14. canyousee's Avatar
    Thanks for info, it seems reefing and photography go hand in hand. I knew reefing was $$$ but really had no idea photography was sooooo $$$$ will one more item on my wish list. ( the stock of Amazon will go up if I ever buy all the items on that list).