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Water day

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Water day.
Finally a long awaited and as usual for me a very stressful day came last Monday. Luckily the tank builder offered to be here on filling day to check for things especially with me being worried about lack of bottom bracing and having requested a middle brace and him insisting on Eurobracing only which I must confess looks much neater and allows me way more access... So we agreed on me filling half the tank before he arrived and we filled the rest together.
Just before I started filling the tank my two little helpwers inspected all the glass, bracing, seems, metal stands and shimming for any deffects and gave me the green light to start the water, Then of course I was not allowed to start the water as they had to have that priviledge!!!

took around 3 hours to fill the tank with high pressure water

So can only imagine how painfull filling it with RO water will be.
Luckily there were no incidents although must admit that with each sound in the house or outside or especially when he hit on the stand without prior notifying me my heart rate was at peak.
There wer no leaks, and no bowing so guess the additional bracing will not be needed luckily.

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Tank - Full Summary


  1. melev's Avatar
    Congrats!! You will love the open top versus cross bracing.
  2. maroun.c's Avatar
    Thanks Marc,
    Does your tank have top bracing only or does it have bottom bracing as well?
  3. melev's Avatar
    It is braced along the bottom inside as well. Here's a picture: