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My Project

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Well Iam little confused on how to do this and any feedback would be appreciated greatly. I have a ton of DIY I do, (kinda a habit from back in the day)
Some background. I been keeping reeftanks since 1978 or 9. Back then it was water changes almost daily with soft corals only. We used Plant grow lights light the aquarium and home made filters to keep things in check. So I still make quite bit of stuff, My largest tanks were dual 140's made of plywood back in the mid 80's. They crashed every week it seems because I was in the Army at the time and my ex-wife had not a clue what do, no matter how many times i instructed her to my method. Hence the ex in wife. She cost me more then anything I built.

After my retirement I opened Aquarium Extreme. It was an online store and had done quite well with it. But after a time and down turn in the economy seen a drastic drop in sales , so I closed the store. I was without a tank since then with a move to my current location and turbulance in my personal life it was always put on the back burner. Well now is time this blog will show where Iam at this time,

Now the question is should I do a complete post to where Iam at currently? or do I do seperate blogs for my DIY projects?

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Updated 10-10-2010 at 02:46 AM by melev

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  1. Jessy's Avatar
    You can do separate blogs for each topic if you want. It'll make it easier to follow along and comment. If you do a complete tank summary that is cool, but if you're getting into DIY projects, write up single blogs. If they are worty, we'll upgrade them to articles on the homepage.
  2. Reefdaddy's Avatar
    Thanks jessy, Mine are very basic, but save a ton a money for those reefers that are on fixed budjets it serve purpose. Marc and yourself may not want the ghetto look but stands being skinned who sees em? lol
  3. bleachandvomit's Avatar
    Hey Reefdaddy, thanks for serving.

    Are you getting back into the hobby or are you going to post some DIY articles? i would be interested in seeing your progress on both.
  4. Jessy's Avatar
    Hey you obviously didn't see my 90 gal and 150 gal, I had DIY stuff everywhere .... I'd polish it up a bit, but it still wasn't store bought. This 60 though...its my sexy set up. I'm trying to go very sleek and sexy, but still gonna do quite a bit of DIY.
  5. Reefdaddy's Avatar
    Just posted my sump Bleach, check it out
    Thanks jessy, I have to say I did not see your other tanks, but the new one I have sweet girl way to Rock!!!
  6. Hat39406's Avatar
    Jessy, where is the pics of your 90g? I haven't seen them.

    ReefDaddy, welcome to the site! ;-)
  7. Reefdaddy's Avatar
    TY Hat Glad to be here.