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245 Gallon Display and Breeding Room - Breeding Rack #1 Build

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Over the past or so I have working on getting the first of two breeding racks built. Here are the pics.

Framing of the shelves and shelf tops installed.

Breeding unit installed with supports

Breeding rack painted and foam padding installed on the shelves

Getting closer to the fun stuff aquarium stuff. The carpentry stuff isn't terrible but I am looking forward to the aquarium set up part. Still have to get the electricity done and the second breeding rack built, before I can start getting into that.

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  1. Hat39406's Avatar
    You're making progress and that's good. You have to make another breding rack like that one? Man, you do have a whole lot of plumbing to do with all those tanks. Do you have to run dedicated electrical outlets for the setup? I can't remember if you had talked about that with your plans. ;-)
  2. mhowe9's Avatar
    Thanks Hat! The second rack is going to be a little bit less involved, only 2 shelves. My goals is try and run the system off of three circuits. I didn't do any initial planning the electrical until I saw where everything landed. Now that I have a pretty good idea where everything is , I can start doing some planning with the electrical.
  3. Hat39406's Avatar
    Cool! You could make the second rack with three shelves and use the third for supplies and if you ever upgrade with more tanks you will have the shelve space for more tanks. ;-). Just an idea.
  4. mhowe9's Avatar
    Unfortunately, the 180 gallon sump for the 245G dispaly gets in the way of the third shelf.
  5. agsansoo's Avatar
    What are you going to breed ?
  6. mhowe9's Avatar
    Mostly clownfish. I also have a pair of Banggai that are spawning regularly. They are currently in a different part of the basement and will be relocated once I have everything set up
  7. Reefdaddy's Avatar
    Are you a member of MBI ? Would be good place to start there if your not.
  8. fishtal's Avatar
    Looks great Mike! I want a basement.