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my 65g updated

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so i decided to make another blog since my tank has made some big changes, atleast to me,link to old blog i had a problem with nitrates couldnt get them under control, sps was losing color and needed to do something fast so i started vodka dosing and got funds together for a nextreef reactor(MR1) and bio pellets(eco bak), made mistake of not wanting to wait for smr1 to come off backorder, i emailed nextreefr and for $20 they sent me an upgrade kit with new smr1 inner parts and larger connections. after 2 bio blooms and nail bitting tank has bounced back and coral doing better. other new equipment RKL, Vortech mp40 es, new light 250w still and actinic supp now. also alot of my softies have been removed. thanks for reading!

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  1. Hat39406's Avatar
    Your tank looks beautiful Chris! You have a nice mix of corals that look real nice. ;-)
  2. stangchris's Avatar
    thank you Hat, some stuff is a lil brown, i hope they color back up
  3. Sam11909's Avatar
    Nice tank and minis!
  4. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Looking good! I keep talking myself out of converting my 65 gal planted tank to a reef, your making it harder.
  5. stangchris's Avatar
    i like the 36inch tanks you can fit them anywhere and lighting them for sps wont break the bank. same with other equipment my mp40 is just about over kill, i have it at dialed at about half power and its plenty of flow
  6. agsansoo's Avatar
    Looks great ! Nice seeing another 65 gallon reef.

    @Phil, come and join the the rest of us in the 65 gal reef club.
  7. Jessy's Avatar
    Nice tank. I'll marry you if you send me your mp40 and your RKL ... I'm a cheap date what can I say?
  8. stangchris's Avatar
    thanks for the comments everyone
    @The beautiful Jessy, hmm that sounds like a good deal but I really love my mp40 how bout a new mp10 ES and the RKL