Blog Comments

  1. melev's Avatar
    I tried to help with your attachment. Thanks for sharing. Tell us about your tank.
  2. gist41980's Avatar
    Thanks for sharing the pic, very nice. +1 to Hat's tip on making the picture bigger, I didn't know how to make the picture bigger at first either.
  3. Jongorman's Avatar
    oh sweet! thanks!
  4. Hat39406's Avatar
    Hey Jongorman, looks very nice! To make the pic bigger: go to edit post. Put the mouse over the Pic. You will see something on top left of pic. Click it, then you can make the pic larger. hope this helps.
  5. Jongorman's Avatar
    why is this so small....
  6. Jongorman's Avatar
    I think I'm gonna do a bigger one. Dread 240s setup looks awsome. I'm gonna have to move my sump a bit or work something out on anstand bit the 5 gallon is too precarious. I'm starting to get red string algae and because I live in ri and we've been assaulted by snow thisnweek I can't go out and get snails or crabs or a scooter to take care of it.
  7. DJ in WV's Avatar
    Ideally a fuge should be returned to the tank by gravity as a pump can kill some of the stuff you are trying to return to the tank. Running it to the sump just make sure your not running it to where the skimmer can pick it up. Dont skip a fuge if you can make it work they add alot of goods the the tank
  8. dread240's Avatar
    the fuge for my 75 is a cheap... 29 gallon aquarium and some picture frame baffles cut to size by lowes... The thin glass means you have to take care around it with equipment, but it was like $5 for the baffles and a used 29g tank.. (can normally get for like $20) I have all the equipment in there and everything... Here's a link to mine.
  9. Jongorman's Avatar
    That's what I'm afraid of. I put a syphon break on both tubes so hopefully if the above mentioned happens I'll have a 5 gallon tank filled without stagnant water instead of a floor filled with water. Bottom line is I need a new sump. Thanks for the opinion I'm gonna disconnect the whole thing and save some money hahahahha.
  10. dread240's Avatar
    I would be particularly worried about the siphon back to the sump personally. The slightest clog and that top siphon keeps going and now you have a spill. I would also make sure you have a siphon break not too far below the level of your top tank so you don't drain everything back down to it in a power outage.

    My personal opinion would be to make the fuge gravity feed into the sump by putting a bulkhead in the side of it... like probably a 1.5" bulkhead or something along those lines. That way you're not trying to balance 2 siphons which will ultimately without a doubt go out of sync.
  11. melev's Avatar
    I edited your post title and assigned it to a category for you. Remember to use the categories option, please.

    Ammonia will drop on its own, the tank is cycling for some reason. Not good with livestock in there as it burns fish gills and I'm sure inverts don't like it much either. Ammonia and nitrite are toxic. Using Prime or Ammonia Down will help somewhat, but it can give you false test kit readings. Why is the tank cycling? What have you done recently?

    How big is the tank? How big are the water changes?

    The sump is spitting up bubbles because of evaporation. Your system needs to be topped off regularly. You can keep it simple or make it complex - that's up to you. If the return section of your sump is tiny, evaporation is quick as that zone drops fast. I had a sump like that before, and had to top off every 12 hours every single day. It was very annoying. Here's more about ATO, just to give you ideas:
  12. Blown76mav's Avatar
    Waterchange, Waterchange, Waterchange. double check your test kit also.
  13. Jongorman's Avatar
    I ment to type "get my ammonia down to zero" haha sorry.
  14. Jongorman's Avatar
    Hahah loving the pic. I'm gonna get my computer back soon so I can upload again. Thank goodness
  15. melev's Avatar
    Where are the pictures? We want to see it!

  16. melev's Avatar
    Did someone say "bulkheads"? Did someone say Marc? Hehe Here you go:

    The other plumbing article is on the front page of this site currently, so you can read over some of the common tips of proper assembly, priming, gluing, and more.
  17. mr. fix it's Avatar
    congrats on the new tank, bummer about the bulkhead fitting, but not to worry there easy to replace. marc has some great articles on plumbing with pvc, with pictures, and an article just on bulkhead fittings. take a look those should answer all of your questions. but if not keep asking for help. were all here with many levels of experence to help, and you will find everyone to be straight foward with their suggestions. welcome.
  18. Jongorman's Avatar
    Thanks guys. I think I'm gonna sneak over to my lfs and scoop one up tom. The demesions are 48 long 24 tall and 24 deep. Left corner over flow. I've had in the past a few tanks. Starting with a 12 gallon plug and play, onto a 20 long after that. I graduated to a biocune hqi 29 then onto a marine land 30 cube. Then lilrodyreefer and I shared a 30 long till we had a heater explode killing a ton of coral. He's got pics in his albums section I believe. Currently I'm running a 30 cube and a 5.5 pico made out of a 13 watt pico kit and a fluvial chi. And last but not least the up and coming 75. Pics will come soon I gotta get someone to come upload pics for me. I'm working off an pad so I can't do much media wise.
  19. Hat39406's Avatar
    Sorry to hear about the bulkhead! You can go to and get things at a pretty good price. I believe has some real nice stuff also, check them out. ;-) Is this your firt salt tank? What are the dims of the tank?
  20. Lilrodyreefer's Avatar
    Wow first blog entry. That tank is gonna be sweet onece u get it set up. Now all we need to do is get you Saturday the 15th off.