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Questions - Need some input

I have questions that need answers.

  1. Nutibranch ID?

    Hey all, I am new to this whole site- but am looking for some helpp.

    I woke up this morning to find that my new emerald crab had eaten a $30 coral frag- so I traded him at my LFS for a couple more snails.

    I tossed the bag in the tank to acclimate and noticed I had a little hitchhiker- before adding him to my tank, I'd like to figure out what it is make sure it isn't a toxic nutibranch that is gonna kill everything or something like that.

    He is white/clear- ...
  2. ughh i got my new aquarium yesterday....

    Yesterday while i was at school my dad made the 6hour round trip to pick up my aquarium after a begged and pleaded lol

    today i polished the glass and inspected it.....look at the pics i could of done a better actually scared to put water in it...what do you think!?

    lacking some silicone there

    air bubbles always make a great seal!...the adjacent side ...
  3. Bryopsis DOH! So I have a new question....

    So here I have finally discovered that the algae I have been fighting isn't hair algae or caulerpra toxifica but bryopsis instead . I know that the two main ways that people seem to fight this stuff is by raising the magnesium (not a fan of that idea with me actually keeping millepora alive for a change) and the other option a foxface rabbit fish.

    I am not scared of adding a foxface to the bioload of my tank as I am confident it won't make any noticeable dent in that but ...
  4. Hydrogen Sulfide???? a little advice needed! HELP...maybe

    I got home tonight from a little Irish Thanksgiving party (St. Patty's Day) and I walk in to a wall of what I am assuming (though hoping not) the smell of Hydrogen Sulfide in my house.... to clarify on why my nose may be playing tricks on me A. I have had sinus issues for the last 3 weeks and have been unable to smell anything and B. my wife is from Japan and sometimes she makes some things to eat that I refuse to put in my mouth.

    I immediately get on the internet and start searching ...
  5. Zoa eating Asterina Starfish

    Ok, I admit this problem is my own mistake of trusting someone who gave me a frag. I didnt' quarantine or even look at it as this friend had never had any pest and his reef was doing great. Over the last month or so I've noticed my zoa's dissapearing, some here some there but never a whole lot. Within the last two weeks I've lost at least 3 colonies of 30 polyps or more and seem to be loosing more every day. I have found Zoa eating Asterina Starfish on the polyps so I know what the culprit is, ...
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