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Questions - Need some input

I have questions that need answers.

  1. looking to get a fighting conch for my 65 gallon tank

    hey guys

    so ive had mixed advice on keeping a fighting conch in my 65 gallon tank. some people say you need over 100 gallons to keep one?

    does anyone with my sized tank have one the is doing well and survived for a few years?
  2. help to kill aptasia

    I have a very large aptasia problem in my tank and i tryed joes juice but that doesnt seem to be helping and ideas?

    I heard you can buy Kalkwasser and mix it with water to make a paste does that work? and is there any side effects if i need to use alot in my tank?
    Tags: aptasia
    Questions - Need some input
  3. Gotta kick this algae mess!

    I have been fighting this algae in my 150g tank for a bit now and just need some ideas. Have bio-pellets running, do weekly 10% water changes with Red Sea Coral Pro Salt, and have tested everything I can possibly think to test in the tank. Unfortunately I wont have a decent digital camera for a few more days so this is the best I can do.

  4. Clown eggs!

    I have had my perc and ocellaris clowns together for about 3 years now and they've nearly always stayed around each other but never acted like a mated pair. Well, I just looked between the two rose anemones that they live in and there is a clutch of eggs stuck to a rock. Would it be worth it to get my extra 10 gal tank out, add the little filter and throw the rock in there? I know the dietary requirements are tough for the fry but I think I can keep up with their needs with my awesome local club ...
  5. Live rock with red velonia

    I have some live rock in a cube with red velonia all over it. I am shutting down the cube and was wondering if i should put the live rock in my 135 or just let it dry out to kill everything off and then put it in my 135 to be reseeded. I hate to kill live rock but Im afraid if the velonia took over my 135 I might not be able to find enough emerald crabs to clean it up. Any advice?