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Tank Entry

  1. My first reef tank...came with fish and corals!

    So I'm new to reefing and very excited to be starting my first tank this month. I've done freshwater plant tanks for many years and always avoided reefs because of the environmental impact. Well, there is no way around the energy consumption, but I realize that the hobby has progressed to the point that there are many sources of captive bred animals, trading and aquacultured products so I bought a used setup off craigslist. The only problem is that it came with a beautiful hippo tang. As you'll ...
    Tank Entry
  2. 60g Shallow Reef

    Well for the past four months now I have been reef-less and it's seriously killing me. I had to sell my 3 reefs for a move to a new city. I'm all settled in now and ready start my next reef.

    I am currently having a custom acrylic tank and sump built by a very talented local club member. The tank measures 36X24X16 and will hold roughly 60 gallons. Here is a sample photo of a similar tank that my friend has built.

    Tank Entry , ‎ Tank - Full Summary
  3. Found old Data

    So I found my old Aqualog data, which proved helpful. Showed my Alk troubles last year when I was struggling to find a balance. Goal is to maintain at 8dKH. I was testing and dosing daily but struggled to maintain, seemed to hover at 7.6dKH. Info did help, not starting from scratch so to speak, have some data to work with.
    Tank Entry
  4. Reef-less Addict

    Hi my name is Matt and I am an addict...

    I have been a reef addict for the past decade. It all started at dinner one night with my, then future in-laws. Ken my, present, father in law was talking about his 90g saltwater aquarium. I had always wanted a saltwater tank, but was always told it was way to hard and just not really possible. After dinner I soon realized that I could totally do this! I ran to the LFS and bought a 55g set up quicker than quick. I soon had the cycle going and ...

    Updated 01-26-2010 at 02:58 AM by MMoore0324

    Tank Entry , ‎ Random Thoughts
  5. Tank Update.. not much

    Nothing much to update on the tank. Most all param's are stable save for dealing with low Alk. Did my 10% today, and everything is looking good. Replaced the final two bulbs in my T5 fixture, and broke down and picked up a Monti and a Pink Birdsnest.

    Will get some pic's up as soon as I figure out more features on my camera. Macro setting is there, but just not working correctly, and still can't get the white balance correct.

    As far as the Alk, just going thru the ...
    Tank Entry