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Tank - Full Summary

Basic full overview of the system

  1. My first Reef Tank, build and grow...

    Tank: 70 Gallon Oceanic tank

    Sump: 20 Gallon Long

    Lighting: One 250w Metal Halide, Four 39w Actinic T5HO bulbs

    Filtration: DIY Built Algae Turf Scrubber

    Pumps: Mag 3 Return Pump,
    Maxijet 900 w/ MJ Mod Kit for circulation
    Maxijet 1200 for additional water flow on Algae Turf Scrubber

    Controller: Neptune Systems Apex Controller

    Maintenance Schedule: 5 month and counting - no water changes. ...

    Updated 01-13-2011 at 06:19 AM by srusso

    Tank - Full Summary
  2. A few pictures to share

    Hey everyone,

    While I was up at the NHL Winter Classic this past weekend I of course managed to pop into a LFS in the Pittsburgh area. The store was called AquaWorld and was a very large store with tons of exotic fish and beautiful coral.

    I picked up a few frags:

    Purple Montipora? Anyone have the specific latin name ID for this one? Its a green base with purple rims and green polyps, almost like a pokerstar but it looks like a plating variety. Also this ...
  3. Life in the 75g, changeover finally complete, plus a 2nd tank!

    Well this past weekend was the final push with finishing everything up on my new 75g reef ready tank. I'd like to say it went off without a hitch, but frankly it didn't, and I've had some losses since I started moving everything christmas weekend. Long story short, I should have given it a bit more time to cycle, or only moved 1 fish over at a time instead of all 4 from my 29g, as I had a small (1.0ppm at it's highest) nitrite only spike. Ammonia stayed a solid 0 the entire time, but that tiny bit ...
    Tank Entry , ‎ Tank - Full Summary
  4. Now i take the Plunge

    Ok so a little over a month ago I posted on my first saltwater tank a 12gal nano. Since then I have not done too much with it other than replace the pump with a Maxi 900 and the duck bill with . I had also mentioned that I had a 108gal cichlid tank that I planned one day to upgrade to a Marineland 250 DD. Now I am not getting the 250 gal tank but what I am getting is the contents of an 80gal saltwater tank. YAAAAAAAAAAAA WOOOOOOO ...
    Tank Entry , ‎ Tank - Full Summary
  5. Elos update; frags galore, fish success, species profiles

    Hello all! It's been a while since I updated, I've been very excited with my tank this week so here are some tidbits!
    • My first helfrichi died after three days. How sad and discouraging It was replaced under warranty and the new one has been going strong for two weeks! The new one isnt as buddy buddy with the other fish as the last one, but this one is a lot more active and eats a broader variety of foods.
    • Visited PHISHY BUSINESS in columbus and snagged a beautiful purple/green/blue

    Updated 11-18-2010 at 09:08 PM by bleachandvomit

    Tank - Full Summary , ‎ Water Chemistry , ‎ Propagation - fish & corals , ‎ New Additions
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