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Questions - Need some input

I have questions that need answers.

  1. Bio Pellets and Alkalinity?

    I recall a thread somewhere here or from Drummer's Reef 180 build where someone mentioned that while using bio pellets they try to keep alkalinity near 8.0 dkh? Can't find the info. What was the thought behind that?

  2. When irony isn't as funny as it should be

    Getting ready to go on vacation to sweet San Diego and irony strikes.

    Showing Mom how easy it is to take care of the tank thanks to my Reefkeeper 2, and I drop it in water. Absolutely fried. Now I have to come up with a timer, replace my less reliable heater and hope for the best. Bad times man, bad times!

    So, I know San Diego is Jessy's stomping ground, what fish stores are the ones to visit? Anyone?

    What disasters struck your tank before vacation?
    Questions - Need some input , ‎ Electrical , ‎ Equipment , ‎ Humour
  3. Need Feeding and Coral Input

    One of these days I'm going to go all out and post pictures and videos of my tank, but today is not that day I have a few random questions to ask and would appreciate any accurate input. Unfortunately, some of these questions are rather long-winded, but as we all know, it's fun to talk about saltwater tanks and going off on random tangents is really just part of the hobby when you truly love it. As for the questions pertaining to the title of this post, here they are:

    1) How much ...
  4. In need of some algae help!

    Earlier in the week I posted a request for an algae ID and i'm reaching out again for more help. I have been siphoning out algae for the last two weeks and it seems that although my problem has gotten better, it always seems to return just as quickly. Tested all of the water parameters and as far as I can tell the tank is testing within all parameters I tested.
    Currently my tank is experiencing what I believe are nitrogen bubbles across the rockwork. While the tank has been running for ...
  5. want to try coral how do I acclimate it?????

    So I want to try my first coral this week but have no idea how to go about putting it into my tank is it the same as fish? Drip for an hour or 2 or 3 then just put it in or do I have to do something else.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated I’m thinking of the pumping Xenia as well as Zoanthus sp.

    Oooo and I assume they need to be feed does babybrin shrimp work well..

    Thanks for all the help this is a really addicting hobby

    Updated 08-19-2011 at 06:06 PM by steve8855

    Questions - Need some input