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  1. Frag plugs

    I really hate the look of frags and up until a few weeks ago I never had any. It is not the frags I dislike, it is that silly looking round plug they come on. I personally never use them, but I like to glue corals right to pieces of rock, then as they age and get largter I glue those rocks to larger rocks to make them completely natural looking.
    Now there are maybe 10 frags in my tank on those round plugs and when I get time I would like to break them off and stick them on rocks. They really ...
  2. Video update

    I've been very busy with everything lately, not unlike many of you. The 400g is completely empty, and Marineland and I are still trying to come up with the best plan to get the reef up and running again. I took a few pictures of the livestock but haven't had the time to edit and share them here on RA.

    However, I shot a brief video when I was dosing Phosphate Rx to bring the level down where it belongs, and wanted to share:

  3. 75 Gal build Stage 1, Planning

    As most of you know I'm getting the 55 gal set up I gave away a year ago back. And planning to upgrade it to a 75.

    Step 1, Research
    I've just finished rereading parts of "Aquarium Corals" by Eric H. Borneman, which prompted me to get a copy of "Natural Reef Aquariums" by John H. Tullock. I really like Tullocks ideas for a biotype aquarium that replicates one reef zone, from one part of the world.

    Currently I only have 2 species of fish. 1 false ...
  4. Power Head Choice

    I need to get new power heads for movement in my tank. I have a 75 Oceanic. I was planning on 2 power heads, what would your choice be for GPH? I am ranning a mag5 for a return pump.

  5. Let's see those Full Tank Shots for May

    Come on Reef Addicts let's see ya FTS' for May!! Post your pictures on this thread.
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