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  1. Blasto Wellsi help!

    Hello all,
    I have a large colony of Red and Green Blsatomussa Wellsi.
    The thing has been growing consistently, but has never "attached" onto anything that I have placed it next to.
    just recently i have started to see the largest polyp, which is right in the center, start to "split" and several smaller polyps start to be visible in the area around the deflated middle polyp. This is the only polyp affected as there are several other polyps around it that are looking ...

    Updated 04-06-2010 at 08:30 AM by kmjoen230

  2. Hello Reef Addicts

    Hi Reef Addicts. I'm here because it's BS that Marc got banned from RC, and I want to support someone who has been a major inspiration to me in this hobby. I've followed Melev's Reef since I got into the hobby exactly 1 year ago.

    Here is a FTS of my 55G born April 2009

    FTS - 10000K lights only

    Stocking List

    Peach/brown montipora capricornis
    Purple acropora ...

    Updated 04-04-2010 at 11:02 PM by Jessy

    Tank - Full Summary
  3. New 300 Gallon Custom Lee-Mar & Stand! Let the fun begin!!!

    I feel bad that I have not posted recently, but I have been very busy! That begin said I wanted to take a moment and show off my new aquarium and stand. This project has been years in the making, but it has come together better than I could have ever imagined. It required a crew of piano movers to move the 800 pound beast. And It as so large that I had to completely remove a window from the side of my house and construct a ramp to get it into the basement! Drum-roll...... Presenting TechETS's new ...
    Tags: new tank, stand
    Tank - Full Summary , ‎ Random Thoughts
  4. Closed Loop System

    What are pros and cons of a closed loop system ?

  5. PH Level

    After getting my new Apex controller I have been watching my Ph readings for the first time, and I have noticed that my Ph has a range of 7.9-8.1. I have to assume that my ph has always been around this number and just didn't know it. i have done some searching and have found many different answers to this question. Some say it should be in the 8.1-8.3 range and low readings are due to low Alk or a high carbon dioxide level in the tank/house, others say that any real level is ok as long as it stable. ...