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  1. Good Advice .. Moving Forward

    Reading the comments, Marc yay! A.D.D. is definitely a requirement, as well as getting into a groove. I made alot of noob mistakes. I saw some beautiful tanks, and during research got hung up on alot of little nuances, and didn't start with a good foundation. I think I'm average when I say I got hung up on all the fancy devices, different techniques, DIY stuff... but totally ignored some of the basics.

    For example, got hung up on dosing this or that, and even looked at the vodka ...
  2. In need of a major overhaul

    So, I am trying to blog for the first time. My 4.5 year old 210 gallon tank isn't doing well. It had about 2 years in the middle when it really looked nice. I overstocked it. Didn't do my water changes as I should. In my defence I have been traveling hard-core for the last three years. As long as I kept up the water changes I could keep a over stocked tank and I didn't have any problems. As soon as I slacked off I got Ich and lost 5 fish. Corals were still ok though at that point. One ...

    Updated 01-07-2010 at 11:57 AM by Jessy

    Tank - Full Summary
  3. About me and my tank

    Well where to start?

    A little about me, my name is Lonnie and I am an instructor at the University of Northwestern Ohio. I teach in the hi performance division of the automotive side. I've been into reef tanks and saltwater about a year and a half. It started when I wanted to surprise my daughter with a larger 10g tank for her goldfish (that she had for 4 years). Well long story short I ended up killing the goldfish and feeling bad. Whats a dad to do? Set up a saltwater take of ...
    Tank - Full Summary
  4. Should I get a CO2 scrubber?

    I've been having issues with low ph for as long as I've had my tank, even possibly contributing to my sps losing color and sometimes dying. My calcium was super high, but my low ph caused my alk to be low and nothing would grow. I ran the test where I aerated some tank water with outside air for over an hour and my ph raised from 7.8 to 8.2. Now that I'm dosing kalk my sps are starting to color up again, but I almost never get a ph reading over 7.8. Would you worry about your parameters if it ...

    Updated 01-12-2010 at 12:59 PM by melev

    Random Thoughts
  5. When will LED take over?

    So I work in the home theater industry, and LED TVs are the hot new trend in HDTVs. Just like in anything else, they are energy effecient, cool, and so small that they have somewhat revolutionized TV. I am seeing this everywhere, from flashlights to home lights to streetlights. They don't seem like they cost very much to assemble, yet they are way out of my price range for the tank. The LED TVs have dramatically dropped in price over their first year, like many other technologies do. I can't ...

    Updated 01-07-2010 at 04:53 PM by Jessy
