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Random Thoughts

  1. Firefish...

    I just added a common firefish to my tank. What can I expect in terms of behavior and habits?
    So far it's just been hanging out in front of a flow pump. I'm just glad it hasn't jumped out...
    It's eating well and not fighting. Do they adapt well to reef tanks...?
  2. This fish is a bad wrasse!

    I came across an interesting interview with Giacomo Bernardi, professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of California, Santa Cruz, while listening to one of my favorite podcast, Science Sort Of..., and I wanted to share it with community at ReefAddicts. They talk about the unusual behavior of a particular wrasse that was observed in nature. It is the first fish ever reported to use tools!
    Here is the link to the podcast episode which I strongly recommend everyone listen ...

    Updated 10-30-2011 at 10:42 PM by a whiff of grapeshot

    News - local, national, & world , ‎ Random Thoughts
  3. Taking It One Species At a Time- The Joys of the "Single Species" Aquarium

    Hey, kids- look! I’m not bashing something this week! Instead, I’ll try to convince you to try something a little different for your next aquarium!

    If you’ve read my ramblings before, or have seen one of my talks, you know that I’m always trying to push you to create aquariums that are a bit out of the ordinary. So- how about a system based on the needs of just one animal? What would you keep if you could just keep one species of coral, invertebrate, or fish? Would you even be able ...

    Updated 10-29-2011 at 09:17 AM by Scott Fellman

    Random Thoughts
  4. Hi, all.

    Hello, everyone at Reef Addicts.

    I'm Kaia, I live in Los Angeles area near Santa Monica. Very happy to be here and thought I'd say hi. I'm ready to learn and help!
    Random Thoughts
  5. Overwhelmed

    Being a newbie to sw and reefs is overwhelming. I have been reading the forums as much as possible and trying not to ask to many questions. I find my mind going in circles and bouncing from one topic to another with out having accomplishing anything but bringing home one of my 55gal aquariums. I never had these lost mind feeling when I started cichlids in my school age days. This is just so much more complex and the wrong decision could be rather costly. I don't know if there is already ...
    Equipment , ‎ Random Thoughts
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