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  1. A look at my tanks from Day 1 of the hobby

    So I was looking through old hard drives and I stumbled on some old pics of my first tank and the subsequent tanks. Just wanted to be nostalgic tonight with a little peek at the current Candyshop Cubed.

    My very first tank's aquascape. 24 gallon aquapod

    The same tank 2nd aquascape
    Tank Entry , ‎ Photography/Video
  2. Tuesday evening update

    As you can imagine, I'm itching to move the livestock into the tank and get my living room devoid of old tank stuff. I want the sump out of the way, as well as the crusty Dart pump sticking out in the way. I want the two 100g troughs out of the way, and the Lumenbright pendants up on the light rack. I want the livestock in the tank so I can see my fish and the corals that are still hanging in there. I did a couple of water tests today. First I checked the 400g for Nitrite and Ammonia. Both ...
    Tank Entry
  3. Lighting opinions.

    Ok, so I'm about to order new bulbs for my outer orbit fixture and can't decide what I want to do.

    Currently, the fixture has 2x 150w Metal Halide's, 20k, which are new bulbs right before I bought it. I love the color of them, very very white, slight tint of blue.

    It also has 4 48" t5's with individual reflectors. Right now they are 4 460nm actinics, but I was thinking about only running 1, possibly 2 actinics, as I know actinic bulbs put out very little par.
  4. BM Nac 6 is up and running and i have Questions ;)

    Ok so just a few quick questions as this is my first skimmer.

    1. Are skimmers in general meant to always have the foam at the top of the neck or just when there is something to skim? For example when you clean green algae off your glass.
    2. Does it matter how deep in the water they sit or is it just a matter of adjusting them to your desired skim rate?
    3. Is it better to see large/med bubbles coming out or small bubbles like a frothy foam?

    Here are some pics ...
  5. February Full Tank Shot (FTS)

    Let's see your FTS for February!!!

    Here's mine.

    My tank! , ‎ Tank Entry